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Memorial Day 2024 Honoring The Fallen

Memorial Day 2024: Honoring the Fallen

A Day of Remembrance and Reflection

Memorial Day is an important day for all Americans. It is a day to remember and honor those who have died while serving in the United States military.

Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day. It was first observed in 1868, three years after the end of the Civil War. On Decoration Day, people visited the graves of soldiers who had died in the war and decorated them with flowers and flags.

In 1882, the Congress of the United States decreed that Decoration Day should be observed on May 30th. In 1971, the Congress changed the name of the holiday to Memorial Day and moved it to the last Monday in May.

Memorial Day is a day to remember all those who have died while serving in the United States military. It is also a day to reflect on the sacrifices that they and their families have made. We should never forget the brave men and women who have given their lives for our freedom.
